

Your donation will help Cyrenian House to support people and families who are facing difficulties with alcohol and other drug use. All donations of $2.00 or more are tax-deductible.

You can make a donation by direct deposit:

BSB: 036 004
Account: 210683
Account name: Cyrenian House

Please email your details to enquiry@cyrenianhouse and a receipt will be sent to you.

To make donations by cheque or credit card, please post or phone through your donation to:

Cyrenian House
PO Box 149

Northbridge WA 6865

Telephone: (08) 9328 9200

Donations | Cyrenian House | Therapeutic Community Program | Donations | Cyrenian House | Residential therapeutic communities


You may like to consider leaving a gift for Cyrenian House in your will as a lasting legacy to help us continue to provide our invaluable services. Please contact us using the details above if you would like to leave a bequest to Cyrenian House.

Donation Methods