Nannup Therapeutic Community
Kongal Wirin Program (Spirit of the South)
Nannup Therapeutic Community (TC) is a residential alcohol and other drug treatment service for adults utilising the Therapeutic Community (TC) Model of Treatment. As a resident of the Nannup TC you will actively participate in group living, therapy, work and activities that drive individual change and help you achieve your goals.
With an emphasis on social learning and mutual self-help, you will address your alcohol and other drug issues in a holistic way. A strengths-based approach, therapeutic interventions and positive peer support will teach and encourage self-responsibility and guide you towards optimal health and wellbeing. Treatment at Nannup TC consists of a three-stage program. You can tailor your treatment experience to meet your individual needs and identified goals.
The service has a strong commitment to Aboriginal cultural security and learning, and welcomes both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people as residents.
Contact us 9756 0100