Smoking Cessation Group
Cyrenian House is a smoke-free organisation.
Prior to engagement in one of our residential treatment services, we will offer you pre-entry support to quit smoking.
Our Smoking Cessation Groups will provide you with information and support to help you quit.
Once you enter treatment in one of our residential services , we will provide you with ongoing support to remain smoke-free.
Research shows that quitting smoking can actually help you abstain from other drugs and remain free from Alcohol and other drugs.
Click on the link below download an e essential guide to quitting smoking from the Make Smoking History Website.
WHEN: EVERY THURSDAY 11.00am – no appointment required
This is probably the main thing I was really looking forward to, to give up smoking, because it was costing so much money. I used to wake up for a cigarette during the night. So, I’ve never had a solid night’s sleep, and this is the first time I have slept solid in ages.
I knew Cyrenian was smoke free so two months before I came in I was trying my best to give up. Coming here was my motivation. I told myself, ‘I’m going to go to rehab for the next couple of months of my life’, so that allowed me to put pressure on myself to give up. My sport was another motivation, I wanted to keep fit. It’s been really good. I haven’t been sick in the whole seven months I have been in here. I haven’t had a chest infection; I’ve just been healthy. It has been a huge change.
When I chose this place I thought, ‘awesome there will be people that are serious about their recovery that are willing to give up smoking too’. (Now I have quit) I can breathe a lot better and also my anxiety doesn’t get as bad as it used to. I would say definitely go to a place that is smoke free because there is not that clicky environment of the smokers over there and if I want to socialise with them, I need to smoke. There is none of that, so it brings it back to more of a level playing field.
Why We are Smoke Free
Why did Cyrenian House decide to become smoke free?
In the alcohol and other drugs (AOD) treatment sector it has been a long-term view that when people seek treatment, they are wanting at address their alcohol or other drug use. There has been a view that smoking is separate to this, and if anything, asking people about their smoking would have been too difficult. As a result, smoking is a very normalised behaviour that is associated with socialising within AOD treatment. Unfortunately, this meant that occasionally, you had non-smokers taking up smoking whilst they were in treatment and leaving with that as an addiction.
We now have access to research that shows that quitting smoking can actually help people abstain from other drugs and remain AOD free. We also became aware that smoking is the most harmful behaviour that people can engage in, in terms of substance use, given that it kills more people than any other drug. This research informed our decision to become a smoke free organisation.
What support is provided to people when they enter a residential treatment service?
Before people enter a residential treatment service, we offer pre-entry support which involves a group session in the Smoking Cessation Group. Once in treatment, we provide support through a regular Smoking Cessation Program that takes about 10-15 minutes of their day for a 2-week period and this helps residents to look at their smoking behaviour and manage their withdrawals. If someone breaches the smoke free rules whilst in treatment, they re-join the Smoking Cessation Program to revisit some of the issues and principles they learnt previously and to re-integrate these strategies into their recovery program. Residents are also supported by their peers and counsellor.
What happens if a resident is found smoking?
Smoking is a breach of the program rules and we encourage and support residents to address their behaviour immediately. Staff and residents are encouraged to ‘flag’ residents for breaching the smoke free rule. If someone is flagged, they are asked to refrain from engaging in that behaviour and to address the issue. If they continue, that are given a “card” which makes it much more serious and residents who receive two cards are at risk of being suspended from the program for a period of time and ultimately, they can be discharged.
What positive changes have occurred since becoming smoke free?
We genuinely feel the sense of wellbeing created from a clean, smoke free environment has a very positive impact on people. The feeling of wellness that people experience is significant and there is a great sense of optimism when people realise, they can get rid of a habit that they’ve had for years. It creates a sense of hope for ongoing health and recovery for people.
Smoking Cessation Group
Cyrenian House is a smoke-free organisation.
Prior to engagement in one of our residential treatment services, we will offer you pre-entry support to quit smoking.
Our Smoking Cessation Groups will provide you with information and support to help you quit.
Once you enter treatment in one of our residential services , we will provide you with ongoing support to remain smoke-free.
Research shows that quitting smoking can actually help you abstain from other drugs and remain free from Alcohol and other drugs.
Click on the link below download an e essential guide to quitting smoking from the Make Smoking History Website.
WHEN: EVERY THURSDAY 10.30am – no appointment required
This is probably the main thing I was really looking forward to, to give up smoking, because it was costing so much money. I used to wake up for a cigarette during the night. So, I’ve never had a solid night’s sleep, and this is the first time I have slept solid in ages.
I knew Cyrenian was smoke free so two months before I came in I was trying my best to give up. Coming here was my motivation. I told myself, ‘I’m going to go to rehab for the next couple of months of my life’, so that allowed me to put pressure on myself to give up. My sport was another motivation, I wanted to keep fit. It’s been really good. I haven’t been sick in the whole seven months I have been in here. I haven’t had a chest infection; I’ve just been healthy. It has been a huge change.
When I chose this place I thought, ‘awesome there will be people that are serious about their recovery that are willing to give up smoking too’. (Now I have quit) I can breathe a lot better and also my anxiety doesn’t get as bad as it used to. I would say definitely go to a place that is smoke free because there is not that clicky environment of the smokers over there and if I want to socialise with them, I need to smoke. There is none of that, so it brings it back to more of a level playing field.
Why We are Smoke Free
Why did Cyrenian House decide to become smoke free?
In the alcohol and other drugs (AOD) treatment sector it has been a long-term view that when people seek treatment, they are wanting at address their alcohol or other drug use. There has been a view that smoking is separate to this, and if anything, asking people about their smoking would have been too difficult. As a result, smoking is a very normalised behaviour that is associated with socialising within AOD treatment. Unfortunately, this meant that occasionally, you had non-smokers taking up smoking whilst they were in treatment and leaving with that as an addiction.
We now have access to research that shows that quitting smoking can actually help people abstain from other drugs and remain AOD free. We also became aware that smoking is the most harmful behaviour that people can engage in, in terms of substance use, given that it kills more people than any other drug. This research informed our decision to become a smoke free organisation.
What support is provided to people when they enter a residential treatment service?
Before people enter a residential treatment service, we offer pre-entry support which involves a group session in the Smoking Cessation Group. Once in treatment, we provide support through a regular Smoking Cessation Program that takes about 10-15 minutes of their day for a 2-week period and this helps residents to look at their smoking behaviour and manage their withdrawals. If someone breaches the smoke free rules whilst in treatment, they re-join the Smoking Cessation Program to revisit some of the issues and principles they learnt previously and to re-integrate these strategies into their recovery program. Residents are also supported by their peers and counsellor.
What happens if a resident is found smoking?
Smoking is a breach of the program rules and we encourage and support residents to address their behaviour immediately. Staff and residents are encouraged to ‘flag’ residents for breaching the smoke free rule. If someone is flagged, they are asked to refrain from engaging in that behaviour and to address the issue. If they continue, that are given a “card” which makes it much more serious and residents who receive two cards are at risk of being suspended from the program for a period of time and ultimately, they can be discharged.
What positive changes have occurred since becoming smoke free?
We genuinely feel the sense of wellbeing created from a clean, smoke free environment has a very positive impact on people. The feeling of wellness that people experience is significant and there is a great sense of optimism when people realise, they can get rid of a habit that they’ve had for years. It creates a sense of hope for ongoing health and recovery for people.